COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases

—Jill Fandrich, PharmD, CRPh


Taking disease prevention methods not only safeguards one's well-being but also preserves the invaluable asset of good health. By prioritizing prevention, we invest in our physical and mental prosperity, enabling us to lead fulfilling lives and accomplish our aspirations. Proactively establishing healthy habits, seeking preventive healthcare, and making informed choices empower us to ward off potential illnesses, contributing to long-term vitality and overall well-being. Remember, it is far wiser to prevent disease than to endure its consequences, for good health is the foundation upon which everything else in life is built.

—Dr. Jill


COVID-19 Prevention is an interactive digital book with dozens of pictures and hyperlinks, sending you on a fun, light-hearted, humorous, informative, and educational journey of thought and discovery. 


How are you protecting yourself from these and other tiny villains?

What measures have you taken to deflect them?
Is your immune system as strong as it can be?
Do you have all the information you need to resist invasion?

Where do you get your information?


You are a key player in shielding yourself by deflection, using simple methods with long-term benefits. Your body’s immune system is the best defense against these vicious foreign bodies. By building up your child’s system with these simple yet vital regimens, you will be able to ward off a multitude of intruders and prevent them from ever taking control of your body.


Your mind and the thoughts you think are an integral part of your ability to defend yourself against cellular assailants. Not only will you take steps to help strengthen your body, but your mind as well. Now is the time to integrate critical thinking into your health regimen and use logic and common sense as a guide. It’s time to gear up, take charge of your health, body, mind, and spirit, and never give these invaders a chance. Download a digital copy of COVID-19 Prevention today by following the link on the website, or download a version for the Kindle at Amazon.


Find out more at A Book in Time

A Book in Time is a place to explore aspects of disease prevention, detoxification, critical thinking, character and leadership development and refinement, and much more. The fastest way to get rich is to grow you. "Rich" may be defined as a professional, personal, spiritual, or financial aspect. How do you build generational wealth? How can you grow yourself as a leader AND those around you? What are your goals? Visit The Natural Pharmacist for remedies and crucial information for building natural immunity and detoxification. A Book in Time Blog delves into leadership concepts, plus much more. Also, visit the Apothecary Shoppe for supplements or the Book Shop for new leadership and critical thinking book titles.


Let's read more together.

Your health is extremely important, and the prevention of diseases naturally is profoundly more successful than the treatment of them. The Natural Pharmacist shares information and remedies for boosting natural immunity to strengthen your body's fight against preventable diseases. Your body's BEST defense against diseases is your own immune system! As a doctor of pharmacy and a chemist, I understand the value of enhancing and provoking natural immunity and undergoing detoxification due to my extensive knowledge of medications, supplementation, the anatomy of the body and body functions, disease states, and other health-related topics. You will also learn many benefits of using natural products and detox remedies to detoxify your body from numerous toxins and poisons that undauntingly seep into your system.


Taking care of yourself through natural preventative measures is key to healthy living, feeling good, and overall well-being. Learn more about various methods of detoxifying and dietary supplements that detoxify the body as well in The Natural Pharmacist.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases?

COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases can be purchased as a digital download from Payhip or from Amazon as a Kindle Ebook.

How many pages are there in COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases?

What formats does COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases?

COVID-19 Prevention: Measures to Protect Yourself Against Preventable Diseases comes in a digital download or Kindle format. Both formats are colorful and contain numerous hyperlinks.

What other books are written by Jill Fandrich, PharmD, CRPh?

Format:  a digital download for a limited time 

from Amazon as a Kindle Unlimited eBook

Pages:  99

Price:  $0




(Autographed editions of the printed books may be purchased from the this link.)

(Digital only)

(Digital only)

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